The Rift Valley Children’s Fund is led by:


To say this man is irreplaceable is an understatement. Peter joined the Rift Valley Children’s Village in 2004 as its Assistant Director when it was just a rented home on a hill and has been working with India ever since. Whether it’s managing the ever-growing Tanzanian staff, overseeing construction, or fundraising in the US and Tanzania, you name it, Peter does it, and then some! Peter has a degree from the Community Development Training Institute and an MBA from Mzumbe University, and his skills and insights have been instrumental in the development and success of RVCV’s various community outreach programs. To top it all off, Peter is an incredibly personable, caring, funny and intelligent individual. He lives and works at RVCV full time along with his wife, Grace, and their three beautiful daughters.


India Howell has lived and worked in Tanzania since 1998. She has devoted her life to improving the lives of orphaned and marginalized children. She founded the Rift Valley Children’s Village in 2004 by opening her own home to 17 children in need.  Little did she know that one day over 90 children would be living with her at RVCV.  Today India is known throughout northern Tanzania as ‘Mama India,’ a woman who has provided not only a home to marginalized children but hope and employment to villagers who have never had a job, and scholarships to high achieving students in the local community.  India is the first to say that she has not done this work alone. Hardworking and selfless, practical and compassionate, she inspires tremendous loyalty from friends and colleagues. India has found her work, her passion, and her place in Tanzania.

THE Rift Valley Children’s Fund NGO Board

Peter Leon mmassy

Saidi swedi halifa

Mwasiti Msahara

Doctor Tipayi

Riziki Laizer